Coronavirus trends for Sangamon County, Illinois

The Sangamon County Department of Public Health publishes statistics on coronavirus cases within the county, such as the number of new positive cases, current hospitalizations, and current isolations. Curious readers may be interested in how these statistics have been trending over time, so we’ve compiled some graphs we hope you find useful.

First, a graph of new positive cases indicates whether the county has seen increased or decreased cases lately. (The Department presents a similar graph, covering a longer period of time.)

The second graph displays hospitalization trends, plotted with new positives as a reference. There was a substantial increase through October and November, following the trend of new positives. Beginning in late November the rate has been decreasing along with the rate of new positives.

Case progression over time is shown in the third graph. This gives us a visual understanding of the portion of all cases that are currently active. This data runs through Dec. 24, when the county stopped publishing the number of current cases.

We’ll update this page periodically.

Data through 1/8/2021